Sunday, March 21, 2010

Honey the Bunny's Eggy Adventure

Hello! I'm Gammondale farms new blogger Jess. I will be keeping you guys up to date with all the happenings at the farm.

I was talking to Honey the Bunny the other day and she asked me to tell you guys about her quest to help the Easter bunny and get the Easter eggs for this years hunt. First let me tell you about this years egg hunt. It will be on Saturday April 3, 2010 from 11:00 am to 2:00 pm at Gammondale farm. There will be an Easter egg hunt and you can even get your picture taken with the Easter Bunny! Addmission is just 10$/child and 7$/adult. Babys under 2 years old are free! There will be pony and draft horse rides for just 4$. Also, in the log cabin there will be a bake sale and face painting in support of the Westmount School grade 8 graduation fund.

Now that you know a bit about the egg hunt, lets get back to Honey's story. So apparently Honey and the Easter bunny are really good friends. The Easter bunny usually asks Honey to help him out when he makes his annual visit to the farm by collecting eggs for the hunt. This year, Honey thought that she would get ahead in her egg collecting and started early. So, she went out and started looking for eggs. She was hopping around when she thought "What better place to look for eggs than in the chicken coop!" She then went to visit the chicken nests. When Honey got there she jumped into the nesting boxes and to her great suprize, there were colourfull eggs in one of the boxes! While collecting as many of the beautiful eggs as she could, a chicken jumped onto the nesting boxes and caught Honey red pawed! The chicken then accused Honey of stealing the eggs. Honey tried to explain but the other chickens were very upset by this point and chased Honey out of the pen. Honey didn't get any of the eggs and said that was the last time she ever try to get ahead in her egg collecting. Mrs. Gammond happend to snap our picture just as the chicken caught Honey in the nesting box. Honey will prevail in her Quest for eggs. Stay tuned for a Gammondale farm update!

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